"The Metamorphosis" is a novella written by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. The story follows Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect.The novella begins with the startling metamorphosis, as Gregor discovers his new body and his inability to communicate with his family in a normal way. The story then explores how Gregor and his family deal with this bizarre transformation. Gradually, Gregor shifts from being the primary breadwinner of the family to becoming a heavy burden on them.The novella delves into themes such as isolation, identity, and both physical and psychological transformation. Kafkas surreal writing style reflects the bleakness and existential anxiety of the human condition.The main characters in the novella include: Gregor Samsa: The protagonist, who transforms into an insect. Grete Samsa: Gregors sister, who initially tries to help him but eventually gives in to the new reality. Mr. and Mrs. Samsa: Gregors parents, who struggle to cope with their sons new condition."The Metamorphosis" is considered one of the most significant literary works of the 20th century, brilliantly capturing the complexities of human life and inner conflicts.